Jacen's Rants
An Ave Mujica 3 Episode Rule Rant
January 20, 2025
Beware of Ave Mujica - The Die is Cast - spoilers
I do not subscribe to the 3 episode rule. There are plenty of anime that take longer than that to actually click. With that said, I'm excited to announce that Ave Mujica does actually pass the 3 episode rule. Barely.
From the very beginning, the problem with Ave Mujica was the pacing. So much focus was put on the masks and hiding their identities, all for it to be blown in the first episode. There was a ton of remaining potential that could have probably filled out most of a season on its own, but instead they squandered it in episode one.
Episode two wasn't much better. The pacing of it felt extremely rushed, like there was a big plan that they had, and they tried to condense it into a single episode. Going into episode three, I was expecting to make some kind of post criticizing how things felt way too fast.
Episode three, however, took a turn for the interesting.
Mutsumi hasn't been all that interesting of a character to me. She's partially responsible for the breakup of CRYCHIC in a not very well-written move, and she isn't given any kind of motivation or personality.
However, episode three not only gives us some kind of personality, but also completely changes that personality in a way that turns her into a much more interesting character. And, based on the episode four preview, it seems like they're actually planning on properly taking advantage of the potential this time.
I know everyone was super hyped for the first two episodes, but I found them more as slogs than anything else. Episode three, however, gives me hope that they can turn things back around.