Jacen's Rants

From Discord - Aoharu/friends

January 23, 2025

An excerpt from Discord on a random thought I had about the Project Sekai April Fools band shuffle.

Jacen Sekai — 11/26/2024 10:12 PM I have a Project Sekai rant So, in Leo/need's main story, things start out with Saki being hospitalized and Ichika, Honami, and Shiho drifting apart from each other during that time and then goes through the story of Saki returning to school and the four of them eventually working through their issues and starting the bad Very cool and heartwarming stuff Anyway, fastforwarding to the first April Fools event they did a thing where they mixed up the members of the groups into new Legally Distinct™ groups

Project Sekai April Fool's event unit groupings

like so Aoharu/friends is the group based off of Leo/need and you may note that Ichika and Saki are the only OG Leo/need members there meaning it is possible that the April Fools event takes place in an alternate universe where Leo/need never actually reconciled with each other

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